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why-us-ny-serious-injury-attorne-1.jpgAnkle Injury Settlement for $130,000 Above the Policy


  • NYC area, all Long Island & Upstate NY
  • 800-HURT-911

  • PHILIP L. FRANCKEL, ESQ. is a registered member as one of the Above The Policy Lawyers™. 

    Mr. Franckel forced GEICO to pay a settlement of $155,000 even though the insured had a policy limit of only $25,000.

    Ankle Injury Settlement for $130,000 Above the Policy published in Jury Verdict Review


    Mr. Franckel found a $1,000,000 umbrella insurance policy when the insurance company stated in writing that there was no other insurance.

    Mr. Franckel found a $300,000 liability policy with a $1,000,000 umbrella insurance policy when the insurance company stated in writing that there was only a $100,000 policy.

    Mr. Franckel found a second $100,000 liability policy for a total of $200,000 when GEICO said there was only $100,000.

    Mr. Franckel forced 21st Century Insurance to pay the $210 court index fee when they frivolously denied the claim, forced him to file a lawsuit, and then offered to pay the policy as soon as the lawsuit was filed.

    A list of some of Mr. Franckel’s settlements can be found on the New York Serious Injury Attorneys Results page

    Mr. Franckel is a Founding Partner at FRANCKEL & PLEVY, LLP providing very personal service to people HURT in an accident.  Their website is NewYorkSeriousInjuryAttorneys.com


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