What Makes a Million Dollar Trial Lawyer? The Right Attitude
The two most important attributes of a Million Dollar Trial Lawyer™ are the right attitude and the ability to really understand the art of negotiation.
Any lawyer can try a good case, but only great lawyers will try a difficult case. My partner and I frequently take cases that not one but several other lawyers have declined. The reason other personal injury lawyers declined those cases and why we took them is the right attitude.
We know how to turn things around and use problems to our advantage. In politics, that’s called spin. Injury Lawyers are supposed to represent their clients zealously without lying but presenting the facts in a light favorable to their client is an appropriate and ethical spin. It’s turning lemons into lemonade.
An example of how we think and spin the facts around is an interview by CBS with founder and President Ren Zhengfei of Chinese telecom tech giant Huawei.
Answering a question about a threat from the US government by Vice President Mike Pence against European allies who continue to do business with Huawei, President Ren Zhengfei completely disarmed the threat by embracing, encouraging, and showing his enthusiasm for the threat.
This excerpt from the CBS interview shows how President Ren Zhengfei spun the threat:
“We cannot ensure the defense of the West if our allies grow dependent on the East,” Vice President Mike Pence said last week at the Munich Security Conference.
“Do you view that as a threat?” Golodryga asked Ren.
“First of all, I would like to thank them because they are great figures,” Ren said, adding, “5G was not known by common people. But now, these great figures are all talking about 5G… And we’re becoming more influential and getting more contracts.”
“I sense a little bit of sarcasm there,” Golodryga responded.
“Oh, please tell them – I’m actually thanking them for promoting us,” Ren said.https://www.cbsnews.com/news/huawei-founder-ren-zhengfei-5g-is-not-an-atomic-bomb/
Call one of the Million Dollar personal injury lawyers with the right attitude in the Million Dollar Trial Lawyers directory.
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